No support. suppert
I don't usually give feedback on applications anymore because of Sir Smartass( @Zulfqar) but in your case I will, feel special. I'm not going to... You clearly don't even know the rules, Cyp sure as sh*t...
A bit late, but this is actually untrue, some of the original Moderators(That still have a rank) can bypass ddos protection. Of course they don't...
Staff aren't required to post on anything but reports/appeals/spambots and when they have to lock a thread, I don't see how they can't handle that.
Use the "edit" button and fill out this template: How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What...
The point was it was laggy, infested with bots, it never brought any income to Mineverse and not enough people played it so it got removed.
I'll be friends with you :)
Just poke a Mod?
Yeah, let's outvote a 30k player server.
it haz a screne
Support, maybe try adding a bit more detail on some of the answers, also bold the questions so they stand out.
Why didn't you just make "Topmass" instead of TopmassMC?..
Hot selfie.
No support. Saw you being rude on OP-Factions the other day.
I meant if the command was edited so it would include the item id and you could do it outside your plot.
The first or third option would be best, /p info would be helpful.
- You're not 33 - Your application is short - You're "new member" - You're disrespectful to players - You're incorrect about most of the...
All good, hope everything is fine :).