I agree that even if you try to play the game in current skyblock as hardcore by yourself, there is no real true way to do it. This is because the...
Thanks. Amended the post to reflect this.
Fair enough. Can't say I play factions, so good to know. Added to post.
Haha good to hear! Would be a shame if they didn't at least amuse people.
Phew! Crisis averted! @TADS4 for the win!
Very true, but if the goal is to create a new "harder" experience then I figure it would fit the bill, otherwise kitpvp would need to be included...
Ah, but I would respectfully disagree on Skyblock. Large quantities of hacked items still float around /fly and /god for ranked members (or...
Pizza Rolls...for when you need to burn your mouth 32 separate times...
Good Day! I have recently seen a lot of "Reset XXXXX!!" threads lately. This as we all know, poses an issue for those players who have created...
Technical Architect here :(
You know you've spent too much time in IT when you walk down to the DataCenter and pray to the servers before going on vacation.
Indeed. Similar to my iPhone for work. It was just amusing seeing that for the first time.
Wut? Sent from my PC using Chrome
I guess I would almost prefer a system that allows staff to "Approve" player applications. This does NOT mean they are saying who can be mods, but...
I always see homeless people walking around with cups of change. They could probably afford a home if they stopped drinking money constantly
I guess I like the idea of this, but it would have to be something monitored extremely closely. That being the case, should it be something deemed...
Without that little voice in your head, you wouldn't be able to read this.
Christmas has been cancelled. You told him you had been "good" this year and apparently he died of laughter.
Million dollar idea: A smoke detector that shuts off when you yell "I'm just cooking!"
I think there may be some valid concerns around the visibility that various suggestions receive. I think one of the easiest ways to tackle the...