Good Day, I would like to propose the below idea as a second means of currency that may make Mob Arena more enjoyable and useful for players....
I'm torn on this. Even without upgrades, its possible to get to level 30+ fairly easy with specific classes. Archer and donor/zerker make it...
Being that you can't receive damage on another players island, possibly make /fly only available on unlocked islands unless you are an...
I'm great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once!
Maybe a third horn could be in order if not too many. The "My bad!" horn for when I cut someone off by accident.
Cars should come with two horns: one that’s like “Hey guys!” & another that’s like “I will end you!”
The surest sign that intelligent life exists somewhere else in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.
Thanks All for the well wishes yesterday! Alas I was out yesterday celebrating becoming an old man (yes 30 feels old)
“Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” is actually a song about everything that will hurt when you hit about 30 years old.
Thanks for the insight. I was chatting with a few people on SB and it sounds like money was indeed reset. As to the whole server resetting, that...
The island itself is still present. My warps are gone (no big deal), but alas I cannot set new ones
Good Day, Having been gone for awhile, I logged into Skyblock today to notice that my balance has been reset. I was curious if every balance was...
Support, but perhaps take things a step further. I would think that should an application not receive any attention (bump, posts, etc) for a 60...
No Support. Given that most of the people that receive permanent bans have done something fairly severe, there doesn't seem to be an overwhelming...
I'b be 100% more motivated if Samuel L Jackson yelled at me to get things done.
Haha! I will try to update a bit more often. I miss doing it actually.
I kid...its crushing my soul...
Hahaha. Setting up a company isn't as hard as you would think. Just need a CPA and a Lawyer. After that its just marketing collateral, website,...
Lol hey whats up?! I'm doing well, just been busy setting up a new company and some other fun "life experiences". How are things on your end?
Just so you know, you will be asked to leave the funeral if you do a drum solo on the matter how epic it is.