AND he gets unbanned from the ban list reset.
First I was thinking of this mainly for kit pvp, donators get an extended enderchest to keep their things in. I currently have 6 sets of...
I think /fix would be good, also would it be possible for op pvp to have kit armour for donators?
I will love you instead
We are making improvements...
1. Age: 13 2. PVPSkill 1-10: 9 or more 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking/Other?: I've been banned twice for disrespect but I have changed....
We could move it up, we probably will.
It repairs the armour they have on though.
Merry Christcookie
Pots are a good idea, ;P
enderpearls will be disabled, same as spawn has them disabled.
1. Cryptic_Luxury 2. LumiMilu 3. Hacks 4. [media]
No, you can end this report.
Surprised you're not banned yet.
But gods cannot heal other people
I'm not saying this to get you demoted or anything, just to get the mods to understand whats wrong and whats right.
So the person wasn't warned? Im confused still. Someone reported me and I got "warned" but I never received a warning.
what? I don't get it
Your ingame name: legends152 (forums) Moderator name: Pop_Is_My_Life A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Falsely banned...