/party is part of the mcmmo plugin, I am quite sure that CypriotMerks does not want mcmmo. If there was a way to get something similar to /party,...
I bought one for 200 bill >.<
I support, this gets on my nerves.
Really? How do you know?
TIP 1: Lycaon is the best pick even though its enchants are level 275, you get 4 stacks and 15 blocks per block mined. TIP 2: Go to the bottom of...
I have recently been playing op prison and have noticed that over 80% of the time op prison is full to the brim (225). I have seen many other...
Edit - People are also auctioning trip wire hooks instead of crates trying to scam people, auction scamming like this should also be bannable.
I have personally seen several people such as IN1NJAI and gangstallama456 on op prison afking for voter keys. I saw them in an afk pool at their...
NVM close the thread please, its back up ;)
There is like 225 on constantly now...
I swear to god I was about to quit MV until op prison came out, its just fantastic.
It is for me...
I support tnt run, the others are just boring lol.
I already said that to Cyp, but lukey_luke has told him, and cyp is working on it.
and have like exclusive things you can buy, like leather, spawners, and other building items.
Warp n and warp o is worse than warp m. Please fix this, thanks.
Have /fly for titans, just disable this at warp pvp, I have seen this on other op prison servers and it works well. Have /pv, you already have the...
They were already banned but the ban list reset....