Player already banned.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
I already have. Read the above comments. Just close the report.
http://gyazo.com/3e17200fdd30716c437e9ee7be269130.png Awh, he's so sad that I'm not you. :P
****************************^****************************************************************************************I honestly don't know what's...
Waiting for player to be in game for a mute.
:p:rolleyes: I have other alts, it gets better. :)
Player have been muted.
Countless times I have warned her in game, even banned her from creative for disrespect. Clearly she will never learn.
The next head mod is you, I can sense it, or Fryz. :P
Locking due to lack of evidence.
I checked this on survival. The warp doesn't exist.