Wow, I'm going threw memories on my profile page, and I didn't realize what I commented on this didn't send.
Um yea it was Proof:
Support, Pokemon is #Pixelmon
Support, I don't have a rank, so this would be my first rank, but this Is a cool idea! :)
It isn't post farming, you can't gain messages in off topic...
Thanks!!!! :)
This is the wrong forum, minetime's forum is Minetime is owned by cyp is anyone is reading
Bannana? Also welcome to the mv forums!
What kind of pie?
Cyp isn't gonna add one, and if this is a suggestion it needs to be in the suggestion forum. This has been suggested so many times, I think what...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :( I hope you have an amazing life! Atleast I still can talk to you since you're not leaving forums :)
I don't have Christmas break. But are you enjoying yours?
And my username is Drkfirebird btw
Wasn't able to come on, I was building a MC server for the owner and fixing rank and permissions, but I will come on tomarrow and play with you :)
Logoing on
Neutral, leaning towards support Note: do more reports then you have been. Pros Active Very nice and friendly Mature...
We should meet up in game soon.