Unfortunately due to the new changes, changing your name means we are unable to actually get you your stuff back other than tping, or going to...
Alrighty, unfortunately it is something that is hard to actually prove and refund, since there are multiple ways for us to be scammed out of...
So you are aware it has already been brought to his attention by other players, he has yet to decide on it though. :)
So you know you can ask for multiple name changes. I don't mind. :)
KatoPotatoe. C:
Thread Locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind...
Mainly regarding this issue it would be a hard one to really pinpoint and refund every single player's items, though it isn't something I would...
Unfortunately due to the recent 1.8 bugs if you change your name you have a tendency to lose your items/progress on our servers. You'll have to...
Regarding my promotion it is mainly a combination of head-guard + forum moderator to help Cypriot out for the smaller menial tasks that can take...
How did you lose the money and what amount were you previously at?
While that may be true, having the evidence, if he can actually give any, can help narrow down what we are dealing with and give me an idea of the...
Regarding your name change to FreddoFrog it is already in use by another player/yourself for another account. Send me a different name request if...
I actually just banned his other account and unbanned that one due to him asking for the first one to be banned. Thank you for the report though. :)
I suppose since there shall be changes, I should change this as well. I hope you all can accept me as your new Forum Admin + Head Moderator.
So everyone is aware I shall be deleting your replies when I have finished your request. :)
Comment below if you want any of your forum information changed and I shall make it happen. :)
Do you have any screenshots or, evidence of the said cash you had?
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
I've warned the player, but if you see him using foul language again make another report and I shall temporarily ban him.