I can't give ranks back on the servers. You'll have to appeal to Cypriot or email the help email.
Thread Locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind...
There is nothing I can do if Cypriot already said no, my apologies.
Unfortunately while I can ask for these changes to be made, some of them are just from the items themselves being bugged and not working properly...
I don't deal with Noobcrew regarding this. It'll have to be when Cypriot gets on and is able to handle my requests.
Unfortunately UncleUrnesto is already taken by another player. Is there any other name you want?
Adding that plugin most likely won't happen due to it being an admin only command. It isn't really necessary, though it would be fun. I can bring...
I know, I understand that. I've had quite a few other players report this, but I can't actually refund the money. That would be for Cypriot to...
Sure that makes it easy. If you can either make a new thread with the provided information, or as I stated email the proof to the support email...
No, the support is actually linked to Cypriot + Crew. :)
While I wouldn't think that I unfortunately can't just refund money that doesn't have an explanation do it's disappearance.
Unfortunately at this time I am unable to transfer/do ranks, as stated by Rachet you can email the support.
Unfortunately it is a glitch due to 1.8 and we're working on a solution for it. You can try emailing the support email and they should be able to...
Hey it's come to my attention one of your images in your signature contains rude language. It would be great if you edited that out, or just...
I see what you are saying. I'll ask him to edit the one pertaining vulgar language, or I'll do it myself.
I can't give, nor do I have the perms to set ranks. As stated above you can try emailing the support email and see what is said from there. Other...
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
I've deleted it.
My name starts with G. :)
I changed your birthdate, but I am unable to change your name to that due to it already being taken. If you have another name in mind let me know. :)