That username : Sean is already taken!
Your username you wanted : ChloyyBear is already in-use.
Zambiana I honestly don't understand why you aren't realizing that this isn't Skyblock and while I know you didn't state anything, nor bring it...
I honestly don't see how this shows Challenge to be biased and abusing in anyway. Unless you can come up with evidence suggesting this, like...
I can't give, or fix ranks. @CypriotMerks
As I've already said we have considered it, used it, and didn't like it as of right now. If it gets fixed, or another solution pops up Cyp + Crew...
Well at least they're able to be logged. The main issue as I did just state above was that most of the time it wasn't able to be logged, thus...
Of course they could, but then we could just log the broken spawner and deal with it. The issue we were running into was that people who break the...
While it may be their fault we are ultimately at blame since we installed that plugin. People will always be at fault and vulnerable to scams,...
While I understand all of this and know that it is an issue, players will still be victim to spawner stealing even if we install this and this...
He can have his own statements and viable reasons, I was merely stating the beliefs and views of Cyp + Crew as we have used it before.
We've used this plugin before on another one of Crew's servers. Unfortunately it led to players stealing others spawners. I doubt we'll use it...
Alrighty I'll be dealing with this thread in pieces. First off I'll state I never moved that thread, nor do I move threads unless they're...
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
As of right now we have no moderation of mini-games, nor should you apply for it due to no mods being there.
Yeah of course I could bring it up with Cypriot + Crew and see if it is something possible. I'm not going to just add it on my own due to it being...
Unfortunately with my perms I am not able to refund money at this time. I'll have to tag @CypriotMerks to refund you. Thanks for your patience,...
I'm going to be locking this thread right now as to deviate from the above conversation turning into an all out battle. I'll leave my points and...
Sure, but once he has made up his mind he usually isn't one to change it.