3 years no response im crying
come back to LA
Pretty safe to say it's over then, at least we got discord lol
it's over gang we're all grown up now i started playing here when i was 10 and i just turned 22 last week
really silly idea but... desperate times call for desperate measures the server is in the trenches, even deeper than the trenches if we're being...
support again. We've been waiting for YEARS.
Didn't think anyone would even respond to this question wow lol How you been bro? Thank you, I've noticed you're really at the top of the forums...
Hey, any of you guys remember me at all? Would love to get into contact with some of you again if you remember me :)
probably supported years ago but here's another one just in case
u know it heheh (sorry for late reply lol)
SUPPORT WITH EVERYTHING. All these things will make the server more popular for sure. As of right now, it's not OP in any form. I thought that...
Self explanatory suggestion. This is just to stop trolling. Have it say "Are you sure you would like to clear your inventory?" Or something like...
Keep in mind that this is how it was on the old OP Prison. Gods and Titans were given a 2.0x sell multiplier.
support duh
she was on a couple days ago hehe
@Porky he made 1 tril in like 2 minutes LMAO
Self explanatory, the donors are pretty much glorified non-ranks. Premium and Sponsor - 1.2x sell multiplier VIP and MVP - 1.4x sell multiplier...
no reason to say no, so yeah I'll support