u ignore played in-game all the time u cant too involved in pvp and dont help anyone out. This thread isnt meant to bash the mods its to let them...
good luck with ur mod app being like that
I DIDNT SPAM THE CHAT LEARN TO READ i spammed it with BlackLivesMatter wasnt muted I said whitelivesmatter twice and was muted
i didnt kid i just said use a hacked client its better
wnaa know why it hasnt reset? theres no point cause there cant be kits anymore with the EULA so once it comes into full affect op factions will...
wow nice ur making a suggestion to remove dirt from minecraft
Plus theres no lies I was muted for saying something about white people but nothing about black people
Its not hate on Mods at all i said they can be racist and I stated why. Its not suppose to cause a flame war u guys are staring that
get over it u were banned u broke a rule must suck to be u just use huzuni or metro
Wow nice job reading. This thread is about them being racist/bias torawrds me and my friend all the time.
Name one
u guys are the ones coming on here saying how what I did was wrong when theya re the ones who muted me for saying thye can be racist. They were im...
i also said the staff CAN be racist i didnt say they all were or they always are
get out of here kid its not hate torwards mods im stating what they did
wow u cant read at all. I said in chat whitelivesmatter because they do and I get muted without a warn. thats how its racist of them. i spam...
Omg u can read a book too! when I said whitelivesmatter I wasnt spamming. thats the whole point i was muted when i said it. when i spammed black...
why wasnt I muted when I spammed black lives matter? when i clearly spammed it more?
I didnt spam him kid read a book
I wasnt muted for saying Black lives matter, you can be racist towards white people too read a book
There I put the files to keep you children happy and hopefully un triggered