Support for all but only for highest donor ranks. God rank gets single chest titan gets double chest
well then put a new max lvl or reducing the high player lvles
True, a solution for this 'unfairty' is taking away the cap of 250 and set is to 1000 or 500 to not make it tooo OP or idd take away the lvls of...
no support just dont
Due to the lvl250 limit is this impossible. Everyone now has unarm lvl 250 if they didn't have a higher lvl on the old server.
major support, pearls should be allowed in warzone and disabled in safezone area. I also speak for OPfac where pearls around spawn are complitely...
Big big support
It doesnt spawn good atall
Current minecraft username: Arnyater27 Why do you want the account: I want your account because First of my little sis always sees her big...
support but would end up in having a lot of young frustrated players
That's why I suggested to set a limit of 1 time each month or every 2 months
semi-support Opfac could use a mcmmo reset but not a world reset. I don't think anyone likes to lose all his stuff
I see what you mean,but there is also limit on what 'rich/spoiled' kids may buy, therefor you could make the price 5USD but that's the limit I...
support And I would like to add an other suggestion: Make money buyable for the faction opfaction and survival servers. 250k for 3.00USD or something.
About the price I'm not so sure because then it would give u 5000 to sell an ingot. ( ratio in the shop is most of the time 1/2 or 1/5 of the buy...
Indeed but they need to search harder for a patch
Big support for alot of things sais above - the spawn rate defently -MOB spawners or eggs (eggs is more legit that way you don't...
No support