nah u know ily but you keep denying it.
no! wtf
not about love!
i don't lie
lol alright ilym thou but o well
lol no
I'm also one of the best pvpers on this server and the 1.8 isn't good.
ilym :')
i don't think he cares lmao.
These 1.8+ kids don't really understand PvP for the good people but o well.
exactly. people on mv don't want 1.10, it would ruin the pvp based gamemodes. 1.9 is already bad enough.
''Fine'' the 1.9 and 1.10 cooldowns are horrible. That would make the server bad and no-one even wants that. PvP in general is better in 1.7 and...
MineHQ? That server is filled with good pvpers and it's 1.7
Don't they have 1.10 already? and 1.10 would be horrible. Best idea is going down to 1.7 for the actual good pvpers.
alright thanks.
no u didn't
wtf does that even mean
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