What I've been up to: This was created as a christmas gift for my friend Sparky. She LOVES Red Pandas, Pound Cake and Pink Lemonade. [ATTACH]...
Well that's what I mean by "staff of the forums", the admins. But if they can edit that sort of thing, great!
One thing I do wonder is can the staff of the forums even edit the badges/achievements to cater to that sort of thing?
haha it's how i get to sleep and I was checking the forums, saw this and laughed my off as I clicked "Like"
Crow I changed my last name to Crow and have two tattoos.
421 :P and I'm stoned as I type this. lmao
Survival Old school...
bump Re-newing the Q & A session
If they do it like this, FULL SUPPORT!
Not as grim as you may think. I still turn 5 when I see BUBBLES!!!
As a 30 year old woman I can tell you kids right now... This is the absolute truth! It started early for me in high school as I showed early signs...
KNEW I FORGOT ONE! Thank you! Yes!
Here comes a long list: Note: Titles with * by them mean they are Newbery Award Winners Xanth series starting with A Spell for Chameleon - Piers...
What does that make us? Spaceballs ftw!
yes Do you know what the function of a Rubber Duck is?
Yes - All about the way our world reflects light from the sun through our atmosphere like a prism making the sky seem a shade of blue. Edit: Was...
No Can you tell me what the answer to life, the universe and everything is?
Ew! No! Do you want to visit another country someday?
No support. I cuss from time to time and I try to make it more... intellectual and somewhat funny so it's obvious I am cussing but not like fudge...