Sorry for the very late response :/. I moved the thread to the right location as well as giving it the right prefix. On that note, did you solve...
Tank tank
Re-no support. My reasons are stated here:
You've always had a special place in my heart ever since we met <3
Engaged with @Madi <3
Welcome to the Team! You've immediately been promoted to Head-Mod - congratulations!
No support. Reasons stated by Atom
Thank you! Congratulations MJ!
no lads
No you <3 <3
Didn't see your reply above xdxdxd
KitPvP if it's an event. Maybe it could bring back a few players to the best game mode on Mineverse.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
Full list of randoms. Ok
Support, you're active across all game modes as well as discord and forums. I felt like you gave up a little too fast in your last application...
gg's on the 4 digits