[MEDIA] It's at 1,000 + views lULXD
Bumping thread
ing support man @Noobcrew you need to change the map Could be a little more bigger but I love it bro
Bumping thread needs more attention.
This thread needs to be looked at more. it's obvious the Mineverse community does not like the new oppvp map
Support saves a lot of time
You're making no sense your litterary giving out reasons why the revamp was a fail.
revamp was a fail in my opinion. The new op is already dead and no one likes the map
Why are you saying make a better map then saying no support?
Support 99% of the people saying no support don't PvP themselves. The terrain is just disgusting to PvP on.
180! GG
[MEDIA] Almost at 150 views
I don't know why your assuming were arguing I thought we were having a conversation.
There are 10+ moderators the server currently ( Most inactive) and I believe the staff team should focus on other things like requesting to update...
Not active at all
This is my believe don't understand why your coming at me lol And I clearly said "neutral". If I was being "Biased" towards him I'd say no...
Already enough mods. Neutral