Anyone who wants a christmas PFP, comment below and Ill make you one.
No they're not illegal
Wait what? Why were you promoted?
I'm looking into this aswell as having warps displayed on /warps I'll talk to crew about this. I'll talk to crew about this. This is because of...
Ill talk to crew about it.
So this has gone from a resignation thread to purely bashing me, Nice.
Thank you for all your hard word on the server, sucks to see you go :(
Idk what you're so proud of, In 3 months nobody will remember who you were.
Guessing that's an essentials bug, only so much we can do in regards to that.
At the same time though, it does mean there are rares in the game instead of everything being mass produced
They were never intended to be mined
Woah you're a blast from the past
first asd
Want me to just cut the middle man out and just /eco give you a bunch of cash?
We have just decided to call him gay and abuse him.
Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be partially implementing this suggestion. Should you have any more...
Reopened on request.