Yeah you can disable it removing potion/beacon effects. Just would also mean it would probably not stop you from burning say if you’re on fire?...
The permission essentials.heal.others will allow you to heal anyone and * is technically registered as a player name (well, every player's name...
Mineverse Updates — July 12th, 2022 Survival bug fixes: Fixed crop hoppers to work within the entirety of a chunk. Added deepslate & deepslate...
im going to the beach next week and i might get an ear infection so it depends
you can have worms
you can also either be very good at the game or be just noob enough at it that it opens the door for her to make fun of you for it... might have...
^ this. They are connected through essentials. It isn't really impossible to separate the cooldowns, however, the reason that I've gathered...
Mineverse Forum Updates — July 8th, 2022 Completely updated the smilies/emojis. [IMG] These are a lot cleaner and less pixelated than the old...
greetings gab
ye eh
i make it
Thanks for everything Quert, we appreciate you endlessly <3
Thanks Ref
Wow, what a guy edit: I’m sorry by the way about the fact the #1 skin is in fact not even the correct player. I disappointed @Sheshy and I’m sorry…
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Congratulations to the top voters for the month of June: [#1] x_XStrafezX_x — 143 [#2] UpdateMineverse — 138 [#3] __DarkFire__...
thanks eunice <3
Yes, update as follows: [SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
Short IRL stories that don't sum up the whole experience but are with people I met on Mineverse: Went to LA with @matt and ate the best shrimp of...
and i'd do it again