Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: watermelonone Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: KoolKy10 Hack: Glide Grayson! The last report I made on this was him hacking, the pictures show him "Gliding to that spot,...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: KoolKy10 Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: mineshaft44 Rule they broke: Racism and hacks
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: mineshaft44 Rule they broke: Racism/Glide The hacking screen shots are down below, I caught him hacking after this was...
As you may well know (If you play Infection) the Prestige system is a little buggy, Prestige 8+ don't get very good stuff. Prestige 8 gets 2...
As a lot of people are aware, the Prestige system on Infection is a little buggy. Prestige 8+ Don't get very good stuff, One gets a bow, but with...
My Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: oOStylexxOo Hack: Glide
My Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Cyclopix Hack: Glide
My Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Caino9 Hack: Spider
Today at 8:05PM I ranked my player (3yerrt) from MVP up to Elite, I've been waiting 20 minutes for it to come through all though it states "Once...
Your Username: 3yerrt Their Username: JUSTKILL Hack: Spider
Your Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: christochanjo Rule they broke: Rasicm and ./bukkit:me Evidence: Screen shots
Your Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: digoster100 Rule they broke: Racism Evidence: Screen shots
Your Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: HaydFore4134 Rule they broke: Being very rude toward other players Evidence: Screen shots
Your Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: RoxasWind Hack: Free Cam Evidence: Screen Shots
Your Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: lcscswimteam1 Rule they broke: Talking about porn Evidence: Screenshots:
Your Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: WorldSaviour Hack: Glide Evidence: Screen shots
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: __EliteGamer__ and vEliteHD Hack: Spider/Glide Evidence: Screenshots
First of all, a little bit about myself :) Hi guys! My name is Jason, or as you guys know me, 3yerrt. Today I'm putting in a Mod application! I'm...