Hi guys! I'm pretty sure most of you know what eggs are and what they do in Infection. Once you've killed a few people in a row as a zombie or if...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Demon997652] Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: zanethakilla Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Nuker31 Rule They Broke: Banned command
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: blackgolem50 Hack: Glide As you can see in chat when I do ./alive he is the only human alive and he is in a place under the...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: furno246 Hack: Spider/Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their: jbug02 Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: asianmaster89 Hack: Spider and Glide This is not RENDER LAG, everybody saw him glide down and then use spider to stay on...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: cdch61112 Rule They Broke: Profanity and banned command
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: AwesomeBob2 Rule they broke: Profanity and banned command
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: iSinklear Rule They Broke: Profanity
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: WretchedEight Rule They Broke: Profanity
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: jbug02, DragonSlayer_02 Hack: No-clip Before the game had started they had used the hacked client "No-clip" (I believe that...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Kershaw88005 Rule they broke: Racism He continued to be racist even after we asked him to stop....
I want to be a Veterinarian, specializing in the Avian field :) (Birds) What do you want to be?!
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: chaomcooper Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: General_Smitty12, Ezza1001, Chase_The_Midget Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: almarobb123 Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Pheng69 Hack: Glide
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: muffinz69 and meefypants Hack: Spider