Ign: xXiLoveCookiesXx My Ign: 3yerrt Rule They Broke: Profanity and pornography. Evidence: Screenshots
Preface: Hello everybody! I'm back and I have a map submission! The map is called "Ender." It is set in the end and has heaps of little hidy holes...
Ign: 3yerrt Offenders Ign: sam! Rule They Broke: Rate abusing me. Evidence: http://www.mineverse.com/members/sam.3188/ Look at his recent activity.
Ign: 3yerrt Their ign: Killerking5555, LordOfNuggetz Rule they broke: Being extremely disrespectful to me and telling me to "Drink bleach and...
Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody! So, for that past week @Javiasor and I have been working on a new spawn for Infection. We followed...
Preface: As Infection players are aware, the current spawn we have is a bit shabby and is griefed pretty bad. Even before it was griefed you could...
Preface: "Trenches" is a map design that I did and I think it is quite original. The map is set in nomands land in France during WW1. You, being...
So, I think this should be brought to your attention; Slimes and spawn camping. As many Infection players know, this is incredibly annoying. I,...
Infection: Infection is a zombie mini-game. The aim of the game is kill the humans or survive against the zombies. Zombie have full chainmail...
Well, it has now officially been 1 week since @Yin, @DjRyan, @Firo3000 and @HeyitsAlexa were promoted and Firo re-promoted :P It's been an...
This player filed a ridiculous report against me. I simply defended myself and apparently I was "Disrespecting players" on the report. The report...
Thank you very much Cyp and Noob for giving me, @Yin, @HeyitsAlexa, @Firo3000 and @DjRyan a chance at becoming mods. We wont let you down. For...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: AHMED_ALJASMI Hack: Anti KB Evidence: [media]
So guys, this is a little, how shall I put it... Tribute, to a very good friend of mine, @BlueL1ghtn1ng. So, to begin this I will tell you what...
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: HOLYARM3n Hack: Glide/Spider Evidence: [media]
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: Kiwi0204 Hack: Glide Evidence: [media]
Whenever I'm upset I just go to google and type up this "Funny sloth memes" Within 30 seconds I'm dying of laughter :>:>:>:>:>:>:>:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: bartvw Hack: Killaura Evidence: [media]
LOL, post the funniest sloth memes you can find below. This is one of the funniest I've seen yet :wacky::stoned::jim::jim::jim::D:D...
Hi guys, Jason here. So, I was wondering, what super power would you guys like to have? You can choose two maximum, and please. Don't be rude...