Support if ELITE can get /Nick
WHAT????????? UNFAIR.....
mhm i don't know about this.... i would have to look at it myself first since there is no video... so 50% Support
Age:12-13 In-game username:Worph Time Zone:Australian (if that helps) Skype (Yes/No):Yes Previous Faction(s):1ManArmy, zebftw, Robotic, Have...
No support
Full Support! I hardly ever play infection anymore because of all these things, and when I do play it 90% of people are in griefed spots that...
Support but maybe a bit too big... For this map there would definitely need to be a longer time limit
Support Mate! These things are so Annoying!
Good thinking
I don't think so
Definite Support
Already been suggested...
This would be Epic! Full Support