Idek, ask mi stuff <3
Support, nice idea
bill cipher yo
It's wonderful to see you have changed for the better, welcome back! :D
Best of luck with the future, we never really talked but it's sad to see ya go.
Yus. Support.
Oh I'm not yo friend I see how it is <\3 Nah jk but wow gj for completing all those questions o-o
16. Resurrect yourself & play CS:GO
SKY heyyy wb!! :D
all these tbhs now I question whether this is mineverse or facebook 2.0
Congrats!! :>
Thank you Feurin :)
Bumppppp & support again :>
Thank you! Thank you :D Gl to you too! Thanks :)
I'm bored and my wifi's down so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well.
Nice to meet you Kurumi!! ^_^ And welcome to the Mineverse forums, you seem like a really kind person :)