Eyyy bb.
Very helpful @XxXTechBoyXxX and @Daniellee .... NOT. apply here @jsagame : http://www.mineverse.com/applications/ Be sure to follow all...
Sounds quite similar to why I left...
This is the silliest thing I have seen. Man.. if only my old plot was worth so much! Nooooooottttt. Dude. It's not. "With the possibility of...
Eyyyyyyyy bb
Why need to tag me though lol?
Oh. Hi.
Wow that was really great, Im impressed Janice! Great job! Been wanting to do one for a while of this server but never got to it. Really good job!
Such Talent, Such Wow!
My pleasure, thank you for the kind words. Glad you like my YouTube channel!
The joke was about anarchy. I'm all about questioning lol.
Question everything.... ANARCHY! :rage: Jk
YouTube name: ScoFu IGN: ScoFu13 Number of subs: 81 Views on most popular video: 229 views Channel: www.YouTube.com/c/ScoFu
missed your bootiful voice
Why not mud yet? Support! Mud nao. Again!
As you can see on my channel, Minecraft isn't really much of my main go-to recording. Pm me details if you want and I'll think about it.
I have not been on to check. That would be really messed up if so.
I do but I dont record on MV. I used to as a staff member and have some 300 private vids of hackers. Mines just a gameplay channel now, havent had...