hi! welcome!! nice to see that more sb people are migrating over :)
what part of nj u from????
"Optimistic" is usually used sarcastically here. Its like an unwritten rule.
Rate abuse. Know your rules. It applies to everyone, not just mods.
ingame name: glaadiator player: swordattacker offense: advertising evidence: [ATTACH]
That's what I mean when I say literally just came out. No gamemode could possibly need a reset after EIGHT months.
then either take it up w a mod or my other explanation (it was added onto active warning points)
question WHY DOES EVERYONE FEEL THE NEED TO SUGGEST RESETTING A SERVER EVERY 6 MONTHS? this literally just came out. it took a little over a year...
ok first of all take this up with the mod that banned you, because there must have been more than "you have no friends" or else thats gonna be a...
i know this is hard to believe but....2 years ago when i played creative (24/7 i may add) it was actually super fun and not about horny 9 year...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] need i say more tho
last time i checked you can't request an account deletion, trust me i've asked, then got banned, and then i was actually unbanned by cyp because...
SO sorry i missed your bday gal:// hope you had the best day EVER you deserve it!!! <333
hi gal i've never talked to you before but i just gotta say im super proud of you!!! it takes a lot of courage to say this especially on the...
happy birthdayyyy<33
i knew you loved me! youre following me. xoxo
congrats lola youre an amazing mod and an amazing person and im BEYOND proud of you!!! i remember last year when you were promoted and how excited...
just because you've said you've changed doesn't mean you have. personally i've seen no improvement of your behavior then again I don't really want...
I'm a little confused? We have been saying no, there have been many threads about this, and I know it won't be accepted. The only thing these...