I have never had lag so idk what they are talking about and I run 4 minecraft windows 24/7
Here is my issue! The ones who have been on here for months even years voting and grinding are the ones who suffer... I have put so much time on...
About to leave Minverse for good! Tired of restrictions and the fact that players' opinions don't matter!
Here is my issue! The ones who have been on here for months voting and grinding are the ones who suffer... I have put so much time on this server...
I want to know why I never see you all on lol If you don't remember me its because I changed my name from KYxCIVCxMafia to Current. I love you...
Right on! Let us start the revolution and Rise Of The Gold
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:WarMonkeyX The offender's exact ingame name:...
WHOAAAA #18 in the house!!!
Nope, I got tested lol I flew out to Cali for the week and as soon as I got here I got sick... Freaked out went to the doctor thinking I got the...
Having the Flu is awful...
Thank you @KingMorgan
Thanks everyone who has responded! Even though it has been going both Support/No Support I have learned so much since applying and have made a...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:WarMonkeyX The offender's exact ingame name: A...
Let me know your thoughts...
Should I feel bad for having a grinder big enough to stop mobs from spawning at other grinders?? Or is it fair since I'm putting time in
I can make about 150k a day selling to players or 56k a day selling to shop
My gold farm shuts all mob farms down xD
I am creating the biggest gold farm on minverse thanks to some investors:) cant wait till its done
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:WarMonkeyX The offender's exact ingame name:MrJoshua A...
Hannah, Thanks for your response and suggestions