I walked up to a guy and he :facepalm: me on the :asshat: Moral of the story? Never walk up to a old man :oldman:
<3 Ya Grayson :3
its all clear too me now
Your ingame name : spikerobo The offender ' s ingame name : xskillser A description of what rule they broke / how they broke it : Cussing /...
Your ingame name : spikerobo The offender ' s ingame name : Logic323 A description of what rule they broke / how they broke it : Cussing /...
Your ingame name : spikerobo The offender ' s ingame name : bran_mla A description of what rule they broke / how they broke it :...
I'm trying too report 2 Players for spamming, But i cant find The lobby section in report? Please help
Your ingame name : spikerobo The offender ' s ingame name : HarleyMen69 A description of what rule they broke / how they broke it : Cussing...
I know the server is in development and all, But its just a suggestion Please give positive Feedback.
Press F3. Lets see what you have too hide.
And btw how am i hacking?
Lol, i dont see me ddosing...
Support :)
omg your profile picture made me squirt
It was a note to self for me, i couldent find other thread
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