1 a day. You don't need more than that unless it is a massive structure at which point you just make a massive amount of stone hoes yourself
I don't know if I need any more hoes. Also wouldn't want too many otherwise they wouldn't all fit. I would support a separate kit that gives you...
nawh left
That's so gay
@Aly has brought dishonor to poke wars. Fair play and chivalry are now lost because of her.
I wonder if you truly are the worst offender at rapid profile changes. You already changed your name twice within a couple of months and at least...
What is it, 9 pfp changes or 10?
"What's Up" Up is a movie made by Pixar
wow no need to be hostile
Are you counting how many pics Aly goes through? Been doing the same thing to cwes
Why you only follow @sabrina
Support some person named "Chunk Norri" keeps blowing up my notification
15 minutes. I wonder if that is a mineverse record
Not even 4 hours
Maybe do it based on weeks and have it reset every once in a while
Not even 24 hours without a change
Ok, but mantis shrimp; humans have three different light cones in their eyes to see color. They have a wooping 12. We are inferior to a shrimp of...
oh you again