We win
rage Quit
cOnor walton
K Isn't this game original...
Being biased isn't a bad thing when judging applicants, keep in mind there's always a reason for being biased, majority of the time being another...
No support. -Immature -Using large font to make your application look bigger -Rate farming on your application -Flaming at players for killing you
I believe the point he's trying to put across is that he's trying to look better than others, still, it is a bit silly to judge somebody on that.
The reason staff aren't on Parkour as much is because there isn't many reports that go there, there's not as much swearing/disrespect as some of...
If it's that good of a base it won't get fully raided with /jump.
I understand for Factions, but for OP I don't see why it has to be removed, it's an overpowered donor perk to help with raids.
Not the VIP version.
The keyphrase on hack clients is so outdated I doubt even WeepCraft uses it anymore. If you were banned for hacking the odds are that you probably...
I double-approve. ;t
1) Helper isn't a rank... 2) You can't apply for Admin, lmao. 3) Immature 4) Little to no effort 5) Server hasn't been up for 3 years, hasn't even...
There is a difference, as you were confident enough to say you joined in 2012 when the server was made in mid 2013.