I know. I changed my IGN.
@PopIs_MyLife @canucksfan44 Both of you need to see this response. Viper. According to http://www.mineverse.com/link-forums/rules.89/ (the rules)...
Support this suggestion.
Just so you know, I never hacked. Don't get the wrong idea about me. :)
My IGN: TurnOffTheHacks Hackers IGN: SnakeProHD Description: Kill aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
IGN: TurnOffTheHacks Number: 100
Faanks :>
Support. I like the idea of more Factions positions. The have developers that can make/edit plugins :3
Premium -» MVP Kitpvp: $3500 2 sets of prot 4 U3 (boots have depth 3) Prison: 100k 2 Prot Iv sets God apple Skyblock : All my money (A few...
Okay, I understand that you or the people who are saying things about me to not want to be named. All I can say is don't trust everything you...
Any particular reasons why?
In game name: TurnOffTheHacks Why do you want the money: I don't really WANT the money, just like giveaways. Lucky number (1-100): 100
I am the owner.
Cool. How does /ban work, can you walk me through the steps pls Someone has too :>What rank are you?
Thanks :)
Thanks :) Good luck for this month
My IGN: TurnOffTheHacks Offenders IGN: TheOnionWarrior Description: Silent kill aura. Look at 33 seconds for great example. Evidence: [MEDIA]
Sad to see you go :( make sure you come and say hi to me! :)
Support. This also allows more than one thing to be auctioned at once I think.