Can a moderator please close and burn this application?
If I am banned for the 3rd time in 10 days I will not be happy.
Current ban?
Can I ask how to change that into a support?
Haven't seen you on kit or factions.. You ok dude?
*NOTE* I would be willing to moderate OpPvP aswell as or instead of Kitpvp (Factions for definite) as Op is in need of Mods more so that Kit. :)
Congratulations :p
I don't think I will ever be a moderator. TBH I was hoping @GizzBots would get it more than myself because I feel he deserves it more than me. I...
Nobody is complaining. If 10 mods resign and 2 are promoted, technically more were promoted but still not enough. As @- Diamonds180 (Ewan) - said...
The time came a Long time go. Not sure who is complaining again.. I asked for others views. Exactly.
Hello! I am sure many of you are aware that CypriotMerkz has just promoted 4 new moderators. I hope these moderators will last a little longer...
Congratulations :)
I even provided you with the definition of scam and a similar activity swindling. I am not going to carry on and maybe start a flame war.
Incorrect because I never broke any rules. I can't see why you and Paradox say this was a scam :/
I admitted to doing wrong.. My exact words:
Mhm. Scam n., v.scammed, scam•ming.n. 1.a fraudulent scheme; swindle. v.t. cheat; defraud. swindle v.swin·dled,swin·dling,swin·dles