@Nightfire please remove all off topic posts please :D
i support :D
Supporty @CypriotMerks best app
This isn't a "boom submit I got it" Mineverse doesn't have too many mods because they only pick from the best. - More Information - Reasons -...
Ok, thank you for the support and the tip :).
close dis plox
Why I want it: My family is usually dirt poor so I rarely get anything Ign: BlockheroRS
Can you tell me where my grammer errors are pretty please? My index finger is broken so i'm forced to type with my middle finger. Lol.
How old are you? I'm turning 13 on the 22nd. Your in-game name: BlockheroRS What timezone are you in? UTC What country do you live in?...
well now it has been bumped to the top and is now active. Not grave dug anymore.
it's not anymore. lol. seems active to me..
Never met you, unless your the guy who watches my videos. Then if your that guy. Your profile is my bible.
Not a bad person from what i've seen on the forums, never met you in game though.
Oh shoot can't beat that I surrender /\_/\ =( °w° )= () () (__ __)//
Not gravedug, getting enteries @PandaBear__ dun close plox
This is my tbh thread, how I think about you. No holdbacks, and I will not get banned for this because I have gave out a warning and they ignored...
Negative 1