I tank you friend
@Lemonade is still here, and @Lemonade taste good
No, @Batman
I asked Jesus, he confirmed.
Batman did
Miencrft isn the hardest game in the world
i bet you don't even play miencrft is miencrft too HARD FOR YOU??
How old are you? 89 Your in-game name: Block, but people call me scrub What timezone are you in? North America What country do you live in? North...
Got on creative, can't teleport to my plot. can't do anything, not even /msg.
Damn, I don't know!
Very very likely* Once I had my plot, took me 2 weeks to build, 30 sec after I unclaimed it someone claimed it. He gave it back later though. Even...
What's with that "-Onion" thing.. we already know who you are ~Block
yeah, i lost 1k but my alt has 4k..
Can I be muted please
To be honest, I would. I like attention, that's why I made this thread.
[Mod] (Gets muted 10 seconds later.)
It's my b-day :D!
Will when you do :) @PopIs_MyLife that stuff was sh*t. Most people on this server are arseholes so idgaf about treating them well. I tried to be...
NICE! Real mods ban players to simply do DBZ jokes??