Hello, I have been thinking factions needs a reset many players have been using the mcmmo duping glitch and players such as Derekneugebauer and...
Ign: Vaz22 Current rank: Premium Wanted rank: Sponser I will give 1k in kitpvp for this rank upgrade
Do u do upgrades
Vaz22 Premium Rank of your choice Offer : http://imgur.com/VVephHz,SQmUZYV,IpKjgd2,jIIjCYs,xeBexMa,ZsbMKNI Not all of the money of factions only...
want to buy some gold on kit?
Do u do upgrades? Or know someone that does?
Here is the video of zero_insanity hacker Proff: [media] Here is screen shots of him trying to sell me a hack client Proff:...
Here is what a will be offering Kit pvp: 1k Factions: 200k Op factions 300k Not many servers but I good amout on each server
Oh but can u maybe put I minecart so I can put my endermite for my enderman farm in :)
On factions a just spend 1 hour building a enderman farm using endermites but I cannot get the endermite in the right spot bc u need to but it in...
nice name
il think about and I need to see if I have any cash lol
Am will u take elite
amazing app support
Have u ever got the rank from your posting because im interested
Rank: normal-vip Kitpvp - I will give 350 and a power five bow and power five sword p4 chestplate and legs Factions - I will give 180k and 72...
wait so ur saying u will get some1 premium for 599 dollars in kitpvp
No support
yep ur a ocd freack