Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Lizardqueen69 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking with...
This is obviously the worst thing that could happen to us please on of the mods ban him from our warp or island HELP
I've got 2k do I really need to tell you?
Your in-game name: Magiicx_ What rank are you: Elite Your pvp skills out of 10?: I'm probably 10 or 9 I've won all my 1v1 and I've just 1v1ed...
Yeah I am pretty sure that isnt hacking as well.
Well done on your first report :D
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: umadbro852 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, Aimbot,...
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Rei1230 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Death warp for the second...
What texture pack is that x3?
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: NickGibb12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking kill...
Go home mastertucker, your drunk.
He has the aimbot rang on really far so his head wont turn
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Killermorsy99 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking with kill...
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offenders ingame name: TheSteelFlame How he broke the rules?: Being disrespectful, saying the word "" after...
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offenders ingame name: TheSteelFlame How he broke the rules?: Being disrespectful towards my mum as she has passed...
Omg please insert something in your computer to make it never work again.
Because its harder to find things gosh why do you make things so complicated.
I never said that? I said you will need 3G/wi-Fi or bad luck!
Omg I love you.
Yeah obviously your gonna need 3G, but if you dont hard luck?