Lol first of all you are trapping people you and felcam so you cant report someone while your doing something wrong at the same time, thought I'd...
Yes thank you I really didnt know about this I'm new :/
Oh Im sorry for breaking the rules I didnt know it was illegal to do that I hope you can let this go as a warning to me and I wont be doing this...
My texture pack is so sexy :P
Followww meh, pwez?
Yes thats what I look like, dont judge.
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Bjar2004 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming after we warned...
You couldnt of said it better :D
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Unsure_guy_9831 and matthewgfh A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Luke2801 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing/Bad languge. I...
Oh okay.
Okay I've been on kitpvp, have you banned him yet?
Thank you Grayson, are you going to thread lock this?
Thats reasonable but its still about ddossing so I think a perm ban will teach him a lesson.
Dont go off topic.
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Private_109 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Treating to ddoss...