Not being mean but your not a mod, you dont know what its like and how hard it is, so don't judge before you put your self in there shoes!
My choice
I hope I dont leave :)
You did?
It has indeed, the 1v1s, the reports and the fun pvping together!
Nope I'm a elite :P
Sorry for forgetting you man I just haven't been great and I forgot most people, sorry <3 and Eli I might have to :(
I'd hate to leave! Pile is correct I might just take a break, because I dont want to leave :(
I will miss you :(
Thank you, I indeed loved playing with you!
So.. Here I am writing this and here you are reading this. I've been thinking about leaving this server because of the hate, dossing matters and...
Wtf? Why?
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: Skillbill63 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking kill aura and...
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: mkment2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Dossing threat, been...
Very pretty Pile <3
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: TheRealAC12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Threatening to ddoss...
Bye Jadey have fun!
The video nub