Yeah I know that thats why I'm not saying anything, thanks for saying that though!
I was talking about him on here..
I'm just not going to say anything because I dont wanna be forum banned again so good bye, I did.
So you still comment? This will get you forum banned yes and I did say it will get you a warning but you kept winging about rubbish things
Lol guess what? is. Stop posting on here about irrelevant things!
Lol any proof? No so please go away and dont post on here! "nub"
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: bananaman11223 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing...
What raids?
Oh yeah I forgot to say you only cut out your part and leave mine? Wtf.
No actually fgt are letters
Thats cool
fgt are letters? Why are you mad? Oh wait I killed you xD. Idiot isnt such a big thing lol.
Your ingame name: Magiicx_ The offender's ingame name: kubasliz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, Fast Bow Its...
Guys I changed my mind!! I'm staying! Because I cant leave with all these people! I will miss you all to much so I'm staying! YAYAY :P
I waub you :P Thats cool dude I'll look forward to staying and I hope that you can get a chance to play with me some time indeed I will like...
Everyone is leaving because of the dossing threats and I dont want to leave, I will dearly miss all of you guys! So hopefully I wont but yeah I...
Wow I'm surprised how many people actually like me O.O I actually wanted to leave because of the hate, you guys may of changed that ;)
Sorry didn't understand the other bit but yeah I probable wont leave the forums