How dare you call this April fools joke unfunny. I found it extremely funny and laughable. Maybe you should chill on the salt mr “ex mod”. It’s...
Unban people like aspertaine makes sense yo
Thank you for your service
Happy bday mommy :heart eyes:
Happy bday omg
Bro literally 10000 of these threads have been made I don’t think infection is going to be updated/revamped anytime soon
No no yeah that’s the right saying
Wait no
Turn that frown upside down
Or the big 3 idk
Yo omg it’s that one girl from year 3
Some were super inactive in the past but I think the majority is more active now
no offense but didn't you make 3 apps cause you didn't like the responses to your apps
ILY thanks bb
seems similar to my big thread I made awhile ago but like you said you go...
that didn't age well LOL
*rolls eyes*