Thanks :D
:D Thanks :) Hahahhaah no Hope to talk to you as well :) YAS I remember you when we played infection together ;D I met you for the first time...
Yeeeeeess support :D ( I can spam @Mvdi whenever she gets on :tttt)
Hi Yes I've heard. Haha, thanks :) Same Thanks :D I'm glad to be back :)
<33 Ty :> Hi (HfP2k16) Same Thanks =))))
Hello people of MV. As some of you may recognize, I am jarroyonaples. Now, if you don’t know who I am, I am someone who first started playing here...
Creo que era Jarrology. Ya no juego mucho y no entro aqui tampoco porque me aburri de minecraft hahaha. Y no creo que nunca conoci a Mariselle,...
He's hottttttt
Ey Boludo! Hahahah hola iJo como has estado?
Si, aquí conocí a un argentino también pero ya no creo que este. De qué parte de México eres?
no, soy de Peru, de Lima :D
¡Mexicoooo! Hablas español?
Miami, FL mmm mhmmmmmmmmmmm mmmhmmmmmmmmm and I'm from Mars
O Eh, there are other things to do to not be bored
-a goodbye thread *applause*- Mv:[IMG] I have made a thousand goodbye threads or "taking a break (creates alt account)((remember the good old "I...