Roses are red, Violets are blue, I really suck at these, So how about we screw?
Crop your avatar, you look plebeian atm, filthy casual.
I had that avatar ages ago.
Yeah, bahaha. One of the few straight porn vids I have ever watched, but it was mainly for laughs.
get money
You're not rendering anything. Of course your FPS will be high. That's like buying a new NPC and being surprised that it loads fast, when it has...
Did you not understand my simple post, which contained less than fifty words?
You're no longer my least favourite mod. We all gucci fam.
Being below 800FPS on a game like Minecraft is sad. Also half this TP's png files are ripped from other texture packs. 10/10 how to Internet....
You should be shot for supporting a Halo game, honestly it's like buying a CoD game, it's just a re-skinned game each year.
Just copy and paste the image into your signature from Gyazo. >right click picture >copy >paste into signature space >????? >profit
I watched Vitalyzdtv's sex tape, he couldn't even get it up. God bless.
You have to select 'highlight all' for it to work.
Leaving someone is worse than dying, at least when someone is dead you know they gone, But when someone just up and leaves, you have no idea...
I'm fat white and gettin' it, I'm the Adele of this game.
Porn isn't a swear word, or even offensive in any aspect.
Because of the time, all three of those could be lies. You cannot fool me, Waffletumn. I guess #1. 1: I have never donated to charity. 2: My...