It's not a meme you degenerate.
It's been awhile since I've seen a FPS thread where people doing the equivalent of a <edit> measuring contest. Having a FPS over 120 is actually...
Bring back Sean Dont know who she is Sean she !
Nice alt of OP. Lmao We're onto you.
He meant he made the name when he was 9, not the food.
You're* You're* You're* You're* You're* You're*
Okay, what moderator deleted my high-quality post? You just don't delete Zambiana's posts. His name isn't offensive, whether it be intentional...
I already fapped to it... for... uh... quality assurance purposes.
I saved it for... future reference.
Nice avatar, @ExposingKinseysNudes69 Pretty sure that one is fake, though.
It's me. I'm everywhere.
That moment when you learn that Harmabe really died and it wasn't a Hollywood coverup
If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna leave a beautiful corpse and half and an ounce for all my real gs.
Sorry, I was playing LoL and my inner toxicity came out and I had to be savage to someone.
Pics from 2 years ago ain't old, fam.
The 550 Ti is actually a really solid card. Despite the fact that it's like four years old, it'll still run most newer games on medium+.