You're already a loser, so your goal is obviously accomplished.
Can I have your name? Hit up pile for a name change. We can swap. d e s t r o y e d
wow, that's a nice Caitlyn skin concept.
Book: Voldemort Movie: Harry Daniel Radcliffe is hotaf.
Eddie Redmayne is so. Damn. Attractive. I can't wait for him to do the Audio Book of Fantastic Beasts.
Tupac had a ghostwriter.
He opened it intentionally. Don't feed the attention seeker.
Zambiana Experienced Member, Male, 23, from Dank Land
[IMG] Lmao [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] I'm shook.
Kill some Americans for me.
Didn't plan on doing any of them. I just made people post and get their hopes up that I'd be honest about them and they get nothing because...
Hello. I have been really salty over these past few days, so I just want to apologise to everyone that I hurt, and to those that I hurt the...
No support for using that childish fire gif text.
24 hours left.
Reminds me of Americans celebrating the end of World War 2 by nuking Japan, killing 220,000 civilians. While we're at it, let's celebrate the...
He can't be all that bad, after all, he made 6,000,000 Jews toast.
Exotic* This thread is high-quality. Support.
4am 3 days later.