I'm pretty sure anyone who plays parkour or is a completed knows this. We can't do commands, and we only have access to level 1! This needs to...
Hello! I have created a clan for ArcherPvP, Minedex! To get in, you must have, Teamspeak (We will go on MV Teamspeak in ArcherPvP channel.) You...
Can you please /reload the server? It needs it.
Every like 1-2 minutes on MV everything just freezes and it gets annoying. Its not my internet. Help. :(
Just like the thread "Count to 50 before a mod posts" except with the abcs! 1 letter per post. Do not repost right after yours.
My friends have guided me through the Parkour for about 8 hours, so I will now be going on Parkour a lot more. I have learned that Parkour is...
My friends spent about 8 hrs helping me get from 13 to Completed by guiding me through each course. Now I'm Completed, I can't go to any courses...
If you are getting the message "An internal error has occured" when doing a skyblock command, heres how to fix it! This most likely happened...
So, you may or may not know this but... MV forums runs off of XenForo. So, I was asking around on if anyone had any left over ones that they...
Hello! I run a YT channel, and I would really enjoy my own texturepack. Please PM me with some texture packs you've made in the past, and I...
Please signup with the format below: Your in-game name: Do you have Teamspeak?: Age (Must not be older than 13): Do you understand that if added...
Your forum name: Billy_Panda The offenders forum name: thorraks, WolfWhispers, Madii, Camel . A description of what rule they broke: Madii and...
Someone will type Yum or Ewww to the food posted in the above post then type another food. Mushroom
So there is now parkour in sw lobby! YAY One problem, we lose hunger + health. At the last few jumps, if you fall you get weak, or are doing it...
You know who the coolest person in the world is? Look at the first word in this thread.
You know what to do! ^^^
Stuck in a skywars game when my pod was keeping me in a block... NEVA FEAR!!! NIGHT IS HERE!!! *Dramatic music plays* I will save the all...
Lol, So this guy messages me in skywars saying "If you get me Titan I will give u 100 million trillion $ on skywars" "Noobcrew is my brother so...
I've recently installed Windows 10, and I heard about the new feature Microsoft added "Cortana" So, I go into my settings, so I can enable it, and...
[MEDIA] @michael