1. Billy_Wolf 2. xKirito 3. I don't know what rule it would be, but they have my IP on their signature. It is kind of disturbing. 4....
Completeds have no command access whatsoever. I don't know what we're suppose to have, but as I remember, we should have: /warp /feed /warp...
Your forum name: Billy_Wolf Offender's forum name: BlockheroRS Rule broken: Rate abuse Proof: In his recent activity. (I will post proof in a...
Your ingame name: unslainable123 The offender's exact ingame name: koxkewillem A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: NoFall...
My ign: unslainable123 Offenders ign: stampibighead A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: swearing (I'm on my phone. Hope...
Your forum name: Billy_Wolf The offenders forum name: Recyclinq A description of what rule they broke: Disagreeing on every new no support on...
Everyone's starting to do it again, so comment and I'll give you one. I'll reply to 2 or more comments at once to reduce spam. :-)
Hello! The wolf pack has kicked some inactive members, and are looking for some new :) This will also be a faction in the future (You don't need...
Idea Hi! I wanted to share a minigame idea I thought of. It is called Olympus. Each player is set a role, along with an ability: Zeus: Has a...
1. Billy_Wolf 2. XxDragonSkillerz 3. Rate abusing. (2 ratings an hour.)
I know I've gotten 2 people banned yesterday, but I'm just trying to help stop the rate abuse. :/ 1. Billy_Wolf 2. XxShadowSlayerxX Giving bad...
1. Billy_Wolf 2.Tiger_Z 3.Rate abuse He has been banned before for it by Ares, and he will just keep doing it again. If possible I would like...
You know who the coolest, most nicest person is? Look at the first word in this sentence. ;)
Intro: Hi everyone! I couldn't find my other introduction, so here is my FINAL introduction. A bit about me: My name in real life is Billy...
Intro: Hi! Today I'm gonna go through some problems with completed on Parkour. If you see a problem not on this list, please write in the...
I'm bored. So hi.
When I created my forum game Yum or Eww, I got alerts from it. It was only recently I found it was locked. I didn't get an alert from it saying it...
On Creative, I believe it's donors, but I don't know what rank, have access to /tnt. They are able to go to places with item frames, like shops...
I got Free-Man rank last month. And I came on to try the thing that lets you go down to a previous rank to see if it worked. I went to A-Prisoner,...
Hey everyone, I have the plot glitch on creative, where I changed my name. If you don't know, titans get 5 plots. Each one is under a different...