I have a terrible computer, first off. I've tried Avast!, which records my desktop well. As for games, it skips a lot or fast forwards. Fraps is...
1. Real name: Billy 2. Nickname: Billy 3. Favorite color: Yellow 4. Gender: Male 5. Race: White 6. Age: 11 7. Sexuality: Idk I'm 11 8. Introvert...
1. unslainable123 2. ShadowSymphony 3. Saying "kys" to a player. 4. [IMG] @Janice999 @Nanurz @BlackZone My friend Methylone also says he has...
Congratulations to our 3k+ mods! :t:
[ATTACH] What exactly is this? ^^^ I saw it today. :P @CypriotMerks
Hi, I am suggesting we add a chatbox (kind of like facebook). Why? So we don't have to go through the whole thing of making a new conversation,...
Simple game. Just write what you think the person above you is known for. Follow all forums rules. All off-topic posts will be deleted. Have fun. :)
1. unslainable123 2. stampibighead 3. Advertising. I warned them what would happen if they shared the IP before hand, and told them not to do it,...
1. unslainable123 2. TobK_Zz 3. Advertising a server. 4. [ATTACH]
1. unslainable123 2. MR_B3N_123 3. Hacking (Gliding/Flying) 4. [MEDIA] @Janice999 @Jhow
Giving 10k in SkyWars money to 1 lucky person. Good luck to all! Please follow the template. :> The winner will be announced on 3/22/16 Format:...
Dzenan asked me to report on here that he has no letter rank whatsoever. He can't even rankup. If you could set him at A, he'd appreciate it a...
1. unslainable123 2. altanetty 3. spam 4. Attached it to the thread. vvv
1. unslainable123 2. xXxPELLxXx 3. Hacking. (Reach, Kill Aura) 4. [MEDIA] @Janice999 @Dyna_Mighty @Flazer @StrKillr Ty
1. unslainable123 2. endomen 3. Glitching into village, where no one will find him. 4. [MEDIA] @Janice999
1. unslainable123 2. Lukey618 3. Hacking. (AntiFall) 4. [MEDIA] @Janice999 @Alex
My exact in game name is: unslainable123 My purchased cape is/was: Minecon 2012 from Mineverse shop. My exact issue and or game mode where the...
I can't join Parkour. It's been like this since this morning. :( https://gyazo.com/21867eb6386b2acf0e9ba435de920c4c I've tried with both 1.8.9,...
1. unslainable123 2. _x_Marz_x_, _x_Roxie_x_ 3. Glitch abuse (They ate god apples and they had particles coming out of them). 4. [MEDIA]
Is the mod 'KiLo' allowed? Yes, there is in the premium version a hacked client, but I will only be using the version without hacks. It only (as...