Support, you deserve it!
Neutral for now, reasons stated by porky, but other than that you are very kind and friendly. Just work on the activity on different gamemodes and...
I totally agree that the PvP servers are the most toxic ones on the server. At times I even go to skyblock or survival just to get away from the...
I'm neutral to the suggestion to remove the borders on OP PvP, since I don't really have an opinion about it. I would support the removal of the...
I completely understand DeathAuras! Thank you Sabrina! Thank you for the kind words, I truly appreciate it! :D
Wait, There's No Dislike Button? **Random**
Let's Start This Trend Again Ye? Just Like The Good Old Days
I Used To Do That Before Porky, I Thought It Looked Better.
Hahaha, now you know how I feel!
L dance
Euw Atom, why does your forums name have a capital B in it...
Ozzy my brother :sweat: Be in touch
I would love some feedback on why, so that I may improve! Thank you.