I can pay you however much you want whenever you're on.
Never heard of the "C" word in my life. Looked like crackers.. lol.
Yes, it's unneeded, we've all got to find some sort of fun in our jobs, that's how we operate, even when I'm with Cyp, I see him messing around...
Note that the statuses he changed were only from Moderators/Friends, ones that could change their status back to what it was before if they didn't...
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/zero_inzanity-poke-accepted.22210/ Wasn't the wrong account, you needed to appeal for that account before you...
Listing us as, which mods are the best simply isn't right, I think this can make some of us feel uncomfortable or believe we aren't doing a good...
Moved to thread: Off-Topic
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Take it easy, bud.
Can you give me more detail/evidence on how you were scammed?
I had all three plushies, loved them so much for some reason. [IMG]
Coloured please.
Can I have a chibi of my skin (Link) holding a bow in one hand and a sword in the other? I'll pay you whatever I have in my balance on either server.
So, you'll only draw animals and fantasy creatures, no skins?
Welcome to Mineverse, nice to see another new face. :)
...and archived.
Weekly Update It's once again time for the Mineverse Weekly Update! An new and exciting week for us, here's what happened.....