Then buy something useful and stop arguing over something that has no importance to you. This game might hold no value to you but it does to other...
If you are under the impression that you are entitled to arguments because of your age and that the people who are older than you shouldn't argue...
Then this game is not important enough for you to play it and you won't miss it, if it ever becomes important you will buy one. I know, that's...
I have a reason not to respect each one of you and when I was talking about super I merely reminded you that you didn't respect me in first place....
Account sharing isn't allowed either on this server. Maybe you should start considering buying your own account or asking from your friend the...
It is impolite to ignore those who talk to me, so I will stop after them :)
That goes both ways, save it for someone who doesn't know you because I have seen you first hand.
I was talking about super not you. You still come on the server and talk crap about me and my island only to get a response that you can report as...
You can change it by contacting mojang with the transaction ID and by requesting an email change but I bet you have "lost" even that or "never had...
Even Jesus had haters and still has 2000 years later, and I am not Jesus at all. You started insulting me when I got in an argument with your...
Who are the "most of us" you are talking about? Do you have any valid proof of what the 1500+ players want or you assume that what you want is...
What??? You are global? (with Nelson's voice)Ha ha you are global ! GG man
If someone manages to receive such response from me, his/her life was ruined long before I ever say anything, Im merely reflecting what I get. I...
Huge one, still trying to say something? Maybe inappropriate avatars shouldn't be allowed too
And you are reported for disrespect
We can start to improve the current state by not allowing them in here too, if you are used to be around filth that doesn't mean that the rest of...
Many people believe that they have only rights and not responsibilities, but this isn't true, either you have both or none. The right to speak is...
No support, anyone can claim that he/she lost his/her email just because he/she wants to force other people to read their vulgarity that comes...
(turns on the spotlight that projects a huge banana on the sky) @bananaman11223 The people need you! XD
This means that creative needs more strict moderation, it doesn't mean that this filth should be allowed to be spread on all the servers.